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Who We Are

In March 2018, as he was going about his daily routine on his family’s poultry and
cattle farm, Stan Adams received a call that he never would have dreamed he would
receive. After the call, he phoned his wife, Melanie, and the first words out of his mouth
were, “are you sitting down?” One of the owners of South Alabama Livestock, Inc. had
called him to ask if he would be interested in purchasing the stockyard. He knew Chase,
the Adams’ son was currently helping out at a nearby stockyard and wanting to know if
there would be any interest in the Adams’ purchasing the thirty plus year old business in
After several weeks of prayer, talking the proposition over with his wife Melanie,
son Chase and daughter Kenlee as well as crunching numbers with their business
accountant, the Adams’ decided they would take the leap of faith and purchase the
Though they had several years of experience in the cattle industry as they had been
cattle owners since 2003, the stockyard industry was completely different. But as a
family, they decided they were willing to learn and grow. So on June 30, 2018, Stan and
Melanie signed paperwork that made them the official owners of the stockyard. And on
July 12, 2018, the family had their first official cattle sale as South Alabama Stockyard,
Inc. which consisted of 774 head of cattle. To say they were overwhelmed is an
understatement. And had it not been for dedicated team members who stayed during the
toughest of sale days (and nights), things wouldn’t have turned out as well as they are
Since that first sale, there have been many changes in various areas at South
Alabama Stockyard, Inc. Many said the changes that were being made would never
work. But with God’s help, His direction and guidance and the unbelievable resilience of
the entire team that had been built, South Alabama Stockyard continues to grow!
Stan and Melanie’s dream is to build a business alongside their kids that they can
be proud of, honor God with, and one day Chase and Kenlee can take over and continue.
The stockyard industry has for years been a family style business and that is what we
desire for South Alabama Stockyard, Inc. to continue to be. Family comes first!

About Us: Our Farm

Our Mission and goals from day one have been based off this scripture. 

"He has told you what He requires of you. You must treat people fairly. You must love others faithfully. And you must be very careful to live the way your God wants you to."

Micah 6:8 NIRV

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